Oryx Outdoors x Mindful Hunter

Oryx Outdoors x Mindful Hunter

Ever had a conversation with someone that stoked the fire in you? Some guys just have that knack — they light a spark in others through their passion and dedication. That’s Jay Nichol, aka The Mindful Hunter.

Jay’s Built Different

Jay’s a former forestry engineer who’s spent decades in the wilderness, but he’s more than just an outdoorsman. He’s a competitive bodybuilder and fitness fanatic, obsessed with being in peak condition when he heads out on a hunt. He’s probably best known for his YouTube channel, Mindful Hunter, where he documents his solo hunts across North America.

We recently sat down with Jay to talk about his hunt prep and to see how Oryx Outdoors can help our audience be more ready for whatever the wild throws at them. What we didn’t expect was hearing about the brutal reality of a hunt gone wrong — and how, even in the face of injury, Jay found a way to keep going.

Success To Setback

Picture this: You've had a rough several days in the elk woods. You’re frustrated, and you feel like you’ve paid your dues on this particular adventure. The only bonus is your mental and physical preparation has kept you focused and motivated when many would succumb to the reality of just not being able to connect with your quarry.

You decide to invite a good friend and another local elk hunter to up your odds and that morning you successfully harvest your bull elk.

This is a feeling hunters know well, an almost euphoric state of success and pride, it can be intoxicating.

Now picture yourself on your quad literally yards from your truck, when an ill-timed throttle punch coming out of the ditch changes things immediately. Your bike flips back over on top of you, with your knee taking the brunt of the force. After a visit to the hospital about 2 hours away, Jay was told he had nothing broken (incorrect at the time) and sent home with painkillers.

In Canada, you need a doctor's referral to get an MRI, and after getting the scan done and receiving the results 3 weeks later, it was determined that Jay had obliterated his knee. A completely torn MCL, partially torn LCL, PCL and ACL, as well as meniscus damage and a cracked patella.

The kicker? Jay had a mule deer hunt planned in Colorado in just five weeks. And remember, his solo hunt videos pay the bills. With his knee in pieces, he had a choice — cancel the hunt or push to recover.

No Excuses, Just Action

Jay’s response? A no-excuses, go-all-in mentality. Instead of taking the "safe" route and waiting to see how his knee felt in a few weeks, Jay committed to aggressive recovery. His mindset: if he wasn’t in peak physical condition, there’s no way he would have made it. It wasn’t just about healing — it was about the mental toughness to keep moving.

Five weeks later, Jay was in Colorado, hunting mule deer with a torn-up knee. The terrain was tough, and the weather wasn’t helping, but that didn’t stop him. Day one was uneventful. Day two brought more frustration as he struggled to find deer. By day three, things were looking up, until a crowded hunting area and an injured buck led to even more challenges.

But Jay stayed focused, grinding through the frustration.

The Ultimate Test: Packing Out

By day four, Jay finally made it happen. He spotted a mule deer buck, took the shot, and dropped it at 25 yards. 

Now, the real test: a seven-mile hike back to the truck with over 100 pounds of deer and gear. Remember, this is the same knee that had been in rough shape just weeks earlier. After four days of grueling hiking, Jay’s knee was barely holding together. But the physical and mental prep he’d put in made all the difference. That hike was tough, but Jay wasn’t about to quit.

Always In Pursuit

This is what Oryx Outdoors is all about — the Always In Pursuit mentality. It’s not about avoiding the tough stuff. It’s about pushing through, no matter how brutal the conditions, and always being prepared for the unexpected. 

For most guys, an injury like Jay’s would be an excuse to stay home. But for Jay, it was just another challenge to overcome. His commitment to physical and mental fitness made it possible for him to keep hunting and push through when things got rough. He was always in pursuit — of success, of recovery, and of his next challenge, no matter how tough it got.

A Final Thought

Jay’s story reminds us all of the importance of preparation — both physical and mental. It’s easy to make excuses when things aren’t going our way, but when you’re ready for anything, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

You can follow Jay on social media and check out his YouTube channel and website for more insights into the world of a true solo hunter. Don’t miss his films Unbroken and Unreasonable — they’ll give you a glimpse into the mindset of a hunter who doesn’t quit.